A professional massage therapist uses the massage chair to focus and channel healing energy from his or her hands to the client. In a Vortex, where the magnetic fields converge, there is a powerful energy that many believe has healing qualities. That's why Earthlite has named their new chair, "Vortex" - a place of energy and healing.
This Vortex encapsulates 15 years of learning in the design and manufacture of massage chairs.
Package Includes:
Quality Massage & Spa Products From Trusted Brand Names. Tables (Portable, Lift, Stationary), Chairs, Oil, Lotion, Cream, Gel, Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, Pain Relief. Equipment, Tools, Accessories, Supplies. Affordable Prices. Excellent Customer Service.
Find Every Thing You Need.
Trusted Since 2003
22 Meridian Road
Unit 3
Eatontown, NJ 07724
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