Rehabilitation Therapists; Manual Therapists, Massage Therapists, Trigger Point Therapists, Body Workers, Athletic Trainers, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, PTA's, Occupational Therapists, OTA's, Medical Doctors, Nurses.
Post Operative Shoulder Rehab
Unlock the secrets to effective post-operative shoulder rehabilitation with Dr. Mitchell Hauschildt, Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Physical Performance Coordinator at Missouri State University. This course is designed for physical therapists, rehabilitation professionals, and fitness trainers looking to elevate their knowledge and skills in shoulder recovery.
What You'll Learn:
This course features:
Transform your ability to help patients recover faster and achieve optimal outcomes with this dynamic, practitioner-focused program.
Quality Massage & Spa Products From Trusted Brand Names. Tables (Portable, Lift, Stationary), Chairs, Oil, Lotion, Cream, Gel, Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, Pain Relief. Equipment, Tools, Accessories, Supplies. Affordable Prices. Excellent Customer Service.
Find Every Thing You Need.
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Unit 3
Eatontown, NJ 07724
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